966715481 - Plaza del León, nº 2 - 03177 Daya Vieja info.dayavieja@dayavieja.es

Consultation Urban Agenda Daya Vieja

Your participation in the process of reflection and collective design of the future of Daya Vieja is essential. That is why we put at your disposal this tool for collecting information about our Urban Agenda, which will serve to plan efficiently and effectively the possibilities that our municipality has.

We want to know your perception regarding mobility, social justice, digital transformation, sustainable local development… Let’s get started!

What is your relationship with Daya Vieja?

In general, how do you value the town of Daya Vieja (access to public services, leisure, work, cultural activities, sports, infrastructure, green areas, etc.)

What is your opinion regarding the quality of life in the municipality?

And according to your own experience, Daya Vieja Public Services are...?

Rate the quality in the municipality of Daya Vieja regarding municipal services (cleaning, lighting, etc.)

Rate the quality in the municipality of Daya Vieja regarding leisure and cultural activities

Rate the quality in the municipality of Daya Vieja regarding healthcare-pharmaceutical care

Rate the quality in the municipality of Daya Vieja regarding Communications of the municipality / town hall

Rate the quality in the municipality of Daya Vieja regarding the degree of citizen coexistence

Rate the quality in the municipality of Daya Vieja with respect to Environmental quality of the municipality

What do you think needs to be improved in the services and procedures offered by the City Council? (Select 2)

In your opinion, is the social situation in Daya Vieja...?

Do you think our town, Daya Vieja, is an inclusive municipal area?

Socially, what would you improve? (Choose 2 options)

We are a small municipality and we are interested in knowing your opinion regarding access to housing in the municipality. What is it like...? (private housing offer, land price, rental offer, etc.)

In general terms, is citizen security in Daya Vieja...?

What needs in terms of security and protection of citizens at the local level would it be advisable to improve? Choose 2 options

Do you use public spaces, squares, green areas and parks?

In your opinion, is the environmental situation in Daya Vieja...? (air quality, noise pollution, state of green areas and urban trees, etc.)

What do you think we as a City Council could improve regarding the environment?

Consider that 2 of the following proposals should be prioritized by the municipality in terms of sustainability...

Do you participate in the cultural activity organized by the City Council?

In your opinion, is the cultural situation in Daya Vieja...? (number of cultural and leisure actions, musical, pictorial, etc., cultural training offer, sociocultural public spaces, etc.)

What would it take to improve culturally?

Do you use the local facilities and the sports activities organized by the City Council?

What do you think about the situation of sports practice in our town? (quality of facilities, sports training offer, club offer, ability to practice minority sports, etc.)

What would you improve about the current sports offer?

In general terms, are employability policies...?

What needs to be improved about active employment policies at the local level?

Mobility in Daya Vieja is limited to the capacity of each person, but from the Administration we can encourage mobility policies through...

Do you use the traditional local trade of Daya Vieja (commerce, restaurants, hospitality...)?

In your opinion, is local commerce and its offer...? (commercial offer, quality of service, use of payment methods, physical accessibility and schedules, etc.)

Are you interested in participating in municipal affairs in person and/or telematically?

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