966715481 - Plaza del León, nº 2 - 03177 Daya Vieja info.dayavieja@dayavieja.es


Co-mobility presents great advantages: According to data from the DGT, on average, only one to two people travel in each car. When we talk about Co-mobility or Carpooling we refer to the use of the same vehicle to transport two or more unrelated people on the same journey that they must take, whether for work, health reasons (going to the Hospital) or other reasons (court). , shopping center, sports-training, etc.).

The idea is to divide the expenses between all the occupants of the vehicle (It is not about the driver earning money from it, but about sharing the costs of the trip or the trip that has to be made anyway). Co-mobility has great advantages:

Co-mobility has great advantages

Reduction of the expulsion of CO2 emissions

Reduction of the expulsion of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere

Cost savings

Cost savings, because shared mobility is cheaper by sharing gasoline payments

Noise reduction

Reduces traffic noise

Greater accessibility to services

We increase the accessibility of our population to regional services and resources

Less time looking for parking

We minimize the loss of time looking for parking spaces.

Less stress and better quality of life

We reduce stress and, above all, we gain quality of life

It is a complement to rural areas like ours where public transportation is scarce. For those people who have a continuous weekly destination, it is a very good option to offer the rest of the residents the option of transportation in the most comfortable and fastest way.

Daya Vieja is committed to sustainable travel and shared systems, to draw a new mobility map that works fluidly and facilitates the travel of all our neighbors. That is the present we are drawing, a municipality that is committed to multimodal urban mobility, with trips on foot, by bicycle, in zero-emission and shared vehicles.